Unraveling the Mystery - 🧶 First Row Explained

Great question! When you're just starting out with knitting, it's common to wonder if the 'cast on' is considered the first row. The answer is both yes and no, depending on how you look at it. Let me explain.

In knitting, the 'cast on' is the foundation row of stitches that you create at the beginning of your project. It's the first step in getting your knitting started. However, technically speaking, the 'cast on' is not considered a row in the traditional sense.

Let me break it down for you. When you 'cast on,' you're creating loops on your knitting needle that will become the first row of stitches. These loops are the foundation for your project, and they determine the width of your knitting. So, in that sense, the 'cast on' is the starting point for your knitting.

However, when we talk about rows in knitting, we usually refer to the rows that are created after the 'cast on.' These are the rows that you knit or purl to create the fabric of your project. So, in terms of counting rows, the 'cast on' is not typically included.

To give you a clearer picture, let's say you cast on 20 stitches for your project. After the 'cast on,' you would start knitting or purling across those stitches to create the first row of your fabric. This would be considered the first row in terms of counting rows.

Now, if you're following a knitting pattern, it's important to pay attention to how the pattern is written. Some patterns may consider the 'cast on' as the first row, while others may not. The pattern instructions will usually specify whether the 'cast on' is included in the row count or not.

In conclusion, while the 'cast on' is the starting point for your knitting project, it is not typically considered the first row when counting rows. However, it's always a good idea to check the pattern instructions to see if the 'cast on' is included in the row count.

I hope this clears up any confusion you may have had about whether the 'cast on' is considered the first row in knitting. If you have any more questions, feel free to ask. Happy knitting!

Eleanor Thimble
Knitting, Teaching, Pattern Design, Loom Knitting

Eleanor Thimble is a lifelong knitter with over 30 years of experience. She has taught classes at local community centers and written numerous articles on the art of knitting. Eleanor is known for her intricate patterns and her ability to make even the most complex stitches seem simple.